nuovo progetto per clive-Shadow dancer

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Isa 182
view post Posted on 11/4/2011, 19:32

First announced way back last fall, “Man On Wire” director James Marsh had lined up a crackling cast for his IRA thriller “Shadow Dancer” (which may or may not be using that title any longer). Rebecca Hall and Guy Pearce were set to star but Vulture caught up with the director recently and it looks like plans have changed a bit.

Clive Owen and Andrea Riseborough are replacing Guy Pearce and Rebecca Hall as the leads in the film that will center on The Troubles in Ireland in the 1960s. Based on the novel by Tom Bradby, the story follows “a young woman, a former IRA terrorist turned informer for Blighty’s MI5. Her brothers are both heavily involved with the IRA and her husband was killed by Brit security forces. But when she is arrested over an aborted bombing attempt in London, she is forced to reveal her past if she wishes to see her children again.” The material sounds great, and the script was a hot one, recently landing on the Brit List of best unproduced screenplays.

Rounding out the cast is Gillian Anderson and Aidan Gillen, and if you dug Marsh’s installment in the “Red Riding Trilogy” it looks like you’ll be in for more of the same. “It’s much more like Red Riding, it’s a genre film, it’s a thriller,” Marsh told Vulture. “It’s very exciting to be doing something like that now, to have that kind of canvas to fill.”

The film will get rolling next month in Dublin. But if you can’t wait so long for another Marsh film, not to worry. His latest effort “Project Nim” is on the way. The documentary follows the titular Nim, a chimpanzee who became the center of an experiment, being raised as a human child to see if it would be able to communicate with language, and picked up rave reviews at Sundance. Roadside Attractions picked up the film and it will hit theaters on July 8th
~ Sabry •
view post Posted on 14/4/2011, 16:20

ancora una spia XDD
però sembra interessante, anche gli attori!! avendo visto Never Let Me Go, so chi è quella certa Andrea... è giovane però...
Isa 182
view post Posted on 14/2/2012, 20:13

Berlino, 14 feb. (Adnkronos/ - La meccanica del terrore. Il programma in concorso alla 62° Berlinale ha trovato il suo tema. Il tedesco 'Barbara' di Christian Petzold da' il tono. Ma il lavoro purtroppo fuori concorso di James Marsh 'Shadow Dancer', con Clive Owen, prosegue sulla linea con il ritratto spietato e efficace di una terrorista dell'Ira meta' carnefice, meta' vittima. Senza dubbio il miglior thriller visto finora al Festival.
Clive Owen e' l'agente Mac, cosi' abile da riuscire a conquistare una terrorista dell'Ira all'Mi5, i servizi segreti di Sua Maesta'. Lei e' giovane, convinta combattente, vittima della sua famiglia che la guerra gliel'ha infusa nella testa senza via di scampo. Per la sicurezza della donna Mac non puo' garantire. Entrambi i campi si combattono senza quartiere e con pochi scrupoli. Per lei, d'altra parte, la famiglia viene prima di una vita senza paura.

Il conflitto e' davvero efficace nel film di Marsh. L'insicurezza nei confronti della donna afferra Owen e lo spetattore. Andrea Riseborough la protagonista, a differenza della protagonista del film tedesco 'Barbara', lotta per sopravviere, ma da zombie. Il respiro c'e', ma l'anima e' venduta.

pare che stavolta clive abbia fatto centro!
Isa 182
view post Posted on 20/2/2012, 21:09

foto della conferenza al festival di Berlino
Isa 182
view post Posted on 20/2/2012, 21:30

poster del film:

6 replies since 11/4/2011, 19:32   66 views